Monday, January 18, 2010

First Post

Blog Prospectus:

My name is Kristine, I'm an artist, designer, and an avid reader of the internet. I went to film school, art school, learned animation, and live in the Midwest. I've been unemployed for a few months now and consequentially have had a lot of time to surf the net reading articles. Between searching for jobs, and somehow trying not to let my desire to create art be dulled by the lagging economy and lack of interest from others to pay me a wage that isn't going to cause me stress - well it's been a tough six months of searching.

I've created this blog to keep myself on track with my goals list this year. I decided that the first thing I can do is to no longer keep posting articles and notes in places like my Facebook randomly throughout the day. Being called "Facebook" by people is not an endearing nickname, more of an testament to the fact that I should spend less time there.

I have always had an interest in writing and reading and I do a lot of it. I find there is just so much to sift through before you find the jems that really inspire a reader or viewer. Also, as an artist, I find inspiration from many sources and with this blog, I will have a way to find them again and use them for further growth of my ideas. I will post links to images, artists, crafts, designs, and articles that I find interesting. Sometimes I may post photos I've taken or things I found during the day. I don't really expect anyone to read this, but I think putting it out there may be helpful to the artists and articles I do link to.

Goals List

My goals for this year:

1. Find a fulfilling job that pays well
2. Get an illustration published in in a book or magazine
3. Learn to use Flash and AE better, html/action script, maybe even some C++
4. Continue playing my guitar, get a better at bar chords
5. Make more art and do it consistently
6. Exercise and eat right
7. Really push my freelance career off the ground
8. Become involved with local branches of arts organizations such as the Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators, Adobe Users Group, and Graphic Designers Guild
9. Go to a conference or two and network with others in my field
10. Keep all aspects of my life in balance
11. Animate something and share it

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