Tuesday, March 27, 2012


1. Today I got my nails done with an old friend, it was nice catching up and really nice getting my feet and hands pampered.

She's getting married this summer too, and we both have Polish moms - it was nice comparing notes. She's much more laid back than I am about things though.

2. I think I'm getting better at words with friends.

3. Got back to reading - but now I'm reading 4 books at once? I think I have a problem... (that doesn't include the audiobook).

4. I've been really enjoying the warmer weather, and taking advantage of the workout room in my building.
4a. I'm teaching myself to run. I do this three times a week.

5. Went to the Chicago Creative Expo where I learned I have access to broadcasting my animation work. And any interviews I've done. This has sparked my imagination, may be able to contrive something to submit. If I make 10 episodes, they'll run them every week at the same time. Also acquired a poetry magazine....I miss writing bad poetry.

6. I've been trying to work into a habit of doing things. My piano teacher told me something that stuck with me - a habit is like adding a cord to a rope, the more you add, the harder to break. So the idea is to get into good habits that are harder to break.

7. I have been getting better at drawing every day for myself.

8. I'm almost ready to make my wedding invitations. The big day is getting closer and closer. I'm super excited and I'll be happily looking forward to the honeymoon - in Costa Rica.

9. I feel like I'm exercising my mind enough, daily. Though it's still pretty active at night which leads to a bit of restlessness.

10. I believe I've done a good job of posting less on Facebook.