Wednesday, May 2, 2012

7 Steps to a better mood

Some days it's harder to smile than others. Today I thought I was in a good mood but I was a super-ball of negativity and it quickly dragged me down.

Steps to get in a better mood:

1. Realize that what you're saying/doing is negative. STOP IMMEDIATELY. (this part is difficult)

2. Listen to happy music (I choose classical, and then the soundtrack to Amelie)

3. Figure out what might have caused bad mood. Learn and change it or change how you're perceiving it.
(still not determined, skip ahead)

4. Go for a walk. It is proven that exercise is not only good for you, but can improve your mood.

5. Do something you enjoy. And if possible, make it 'happy'. I chose to draw, and instead of drawing a sad bear, I drew a happy bear.

6. Do something productive. I figured out what I was going to do for mothers day. I figured out some more invitation paper we need and also ordered a bunch of tulle circles for the wedding.

7. Have some 'alone' time or 'friends' time. You'll know which you need, depending on your personality. In my case, sometimes its just best if I have some quiet time. If you need a friend though, make sure that you don't project your bad mood on them.

Monday, April 23, 2012

blogger/google change

Well then. It appears time doesn't stand still and everything changes eventually. Not sure how much I like this new update to blogger but I'm willing to adapt. I drew today, I walked 2 miles today, I even did some work AFTER work today. I feel like I've accomplished a bit - but still feel I can do MORE. Im not sure what that more is though. Hoping tomorrow's weather is better than today. Happy thoughts: 1. On my walk to work I saw a lot of nature, of the pleasant kind. It was like the sound of the wind in the trees was just for me. Seeing backlit clouds and dandelion puffs really wakes my imagination. 2. I read a bit more from one of my library books - the topic wasn't that much of interest to me today but I kept at it. (I'm always determined to read through a story even if I don't find it interesting or even if I find the subject kind - of revolting. What was the topic? Well, it was about fox hunting. Not many hunters in my family, but the one thing I've been disappointed to see dead is a fox. I'd like to see them more, with their bright red fur and white tuft of a tail. Much more interesting than coyotes. Sure they eat chickens, but they're creative about it, and they're not cruel about it like rats.) 3. I managed to wake up at 530 AM and feel rested. This is an improvement over the last few weeks. 4. This american life's episode today was touching. 5. I turned my frown upside down today 6. Mac'n cheese from a box is no longer sufficient, it DOES taste like cardboard. Think I'll stick to ramen noodles when I need a fix for junk-dinner-food.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter Part 2

Every family has it's own way of celebrating holidays. I get three different celebrations for EVERY holiday. One's full of kids, one's full of dogs, and the final one is full of old-world foods. All of them share one thing in common-family drama. This year's holidays were pretty good, food was plentiful, and nothing went too wrong.

The best part of Friday was finding a magazine all about Chicago at the doctor's office called "ECHO". Turns out it's produced by my alma matter. They had an article about a record store with an arcade museum in the back. I CANNOT wait to find time to go. If you want a preview of the types of games they have (free to play) check out this vimeo they posted:

Logan Hardware Teaser from Logan Hardware on Vimeo.

I've also found myself reading an online magazine that I came across accidentally a little bit ago called "The Hairpin". It's managed to sit itself in my browser toolbar. It's full of fun little articles ranging from personal recounts of daily life, fun makeovers, and opinions. You should read it now!

Friday, April 6, 2012

I finished one!

For the first time I can recall, I finished filling in a sketchbook, cover-to-cover.

Spotify has a shuffle feature. This is like having the perfect ipod.

Inspite of getting bad news yesterday, I've not let it get to me much. I'm going day by day again.

Good news at the doc on Tuesday's last-minute visit, it's nothing to worry about. That's always a relief.

I'm getting used to crap happening. Keep looking at inspiring pictures, drawings, and quotes.

Just keep drawing.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


1. Today I got my nails done with an old friend, it was nice catching up and really nice getting my feet and hands pampered.

She's getting married this summer too, and we both have Polish moms - it was nice comparing notes. She's much more laid back than I am about things though.

2. I think I'm getting better at words with friends.

3. Got back to reading - but now I'm reading 4 books at once? I think I have a problem... (that doesn't include the audiobook).

4. I've been really enjoying the warmer weather, and taking advantage of the workout room in my building.
4a. I'm teaching myself to run. I do this three times a week.

5. Went to the Chicago Creative Expo where I learned I have access to broadcasting my animation work. And any interviews I've done. This has sparked my imagination, may be able to contrive something to submit. If I make 10 episodes, they'll run them every week at the same time. Also acquired a poetry magazine....I miss writing bad poetry.

6. I've been trying to work into a habit of doing things. My piano teacher told me something that stuck with me - a habit is like adding a cord to a rope, the more you add, the harder to break. So the idea is to get into good habits that are harder to break.

7. I have been getting better at drawing every day for myself.

8. I'm almost ready to make my wedding invitations. The big day is getting closer and closer. I'm super excited and I'll be happily looking forward to the honeymoon - in Costa Rica.

9. I feel like I'm exercising my mind enough, daily. Though it's still pretty active at night which leads to a bit of restlessness.

10. I believe I've done a good job of posting less on Facebook.