Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 resolutions

With a baby on the way I find that my usual resolutions and goals lists have to be significantly trimmed back in the expectation that it will become difficult to sustain them with the unknown impact of a new child in our daily routine. I can imagine sometimes that I'll be some perfect blend of mom and artist, but if I truthfully look at it, there's going to be quite an upheaval with the arrival of our son. So here's my paired back and practical list:

1. Plan out and budget meals better.

2. Prep the nursery and don't overdo my plans on handmade crafted items for the baby's room.

3. Learn what I can before the baby comes and don't beat myself up when the learning curve gets bumpy along the way.

4. Create art and music when I can and when I don't have as much time as I'd like, spend time appreciating it.

5. Help my husband feel involved with care taking and not overwhelmed between childcare and work. 

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